Frequently Asked Questions
About the Company
We can be contacted by phone Mon-Fri 6:00am - 5:00pm CST at 1-800-825-5805 or you can send us any email by using our secure online form.
Bison has built a reputation for providing customers with enclosure solutions at standard-model budgets. Our rigorous approach to manufacturing quality and efficiency, coupled with creative and innovative designs for custom applications, ensures that your electrical enclosure or cabinet will meet or exceed your expectations for performance, quality and value.
Yes, you can find our stock enclosures here. Filter by height, width, depth, NEMA rating, material and/or mounting style to find the enclosure you are looking for.
To get a quote, please select the enclosure you are looking for under our product catalog here. If you are unsure on your enclosure specifications needed you can contact us directly at 1-800-825-5805 or use our secure request a quote form.
NEMA 4 enclosures provide a watertight protection against splashing water, indoor wash down from a commercial hose as well as ingress protection from dirt, rain, sleet, snow, ice and windblown dust. NEMA 4X enclosures are typically used in extreme, harsh, and corrosive environments that exceed the capabilities of NEMA 4 enclosures. NEMA 4X enclosures are generally manufactured using 304 & 316 stainless steel. Click here to view all NEMA ratings.
Electrical enclosures are used to prevent electrical shock to equipment users and protect the content from the outside environment. Electrical enclosures are used to store electrical equipment.
Yes, modification are available to match your exact needs. Click here to view all modifications. If you don't see a modification listed please contact us directly at 1-800-825-5805.
Enclosure Insulation & Ratings
We manufacturer NEMA 3R enclosures. NEMA 3R enclosures are designed very similar to NEMA 3 enclosures, however 3R enclosures can be ventilated. When ventilated, the degree of protection provided by NEMA 3R enclosures against windblown dust is diminished. Click here for more details on NEMA 3R enclosures.
Bison ProFab can insulate your enclosure to provide added levels of environmental control and efficiency. Outdoor electrical enclosures can benefit from conventional foam board insulation (typically 3/4" to 1" thick), or if you are low on internal space we also offer Low-E reflective enclosure insulation.